The Gail Spot. Blogging It.

Friday, February 3

Gail's blog | The Gail Spot

Gail's blog at The Gail Spot.
I'm making an attempt to post the blog on The Gail Spot site now. It's rather futile, I will admit, but I'll try anyway. I just need to figure out a way to export the entries from here over to the site (created using Drupal)...
If anyone has any ideas:

Monday, January 30

The Real Truth Behind MTV's The Real World Houses

Came across this hilarious site featuring "The Real Truth Behind MTV's The Real World Houses". It's rather amusing that someone spends time putting this together and makes me feel a bit better (and less self-indulgent) about my own site.

Saturday, January 14

time gous by con loli - Google Video

time gous by con loli - Google Video. An EXTREMELY funny (and Spanish!) parody of "Hung Up".

Sunday, December 18

The Chappelle Theory

The Chappelle Theory explores the mystery that is Dave Chappelle. As you may know, earlier this year Dave walked away from a $50 million deal for more season's of Comedy Central's Chappelle Show. Enjoy the insights into Dave's World.

Thursday, November 17

"Wine Away" removes red wine stains

"Wine Away" removes red wine stains. If that is true, I should definitely buy stock!!

Wednesday, November 16

The Bra Revolution: Oprah's Bra Boutique

Did anyone else watch this Oprah episode? I swear, it was just an excuse for Oprah to molest women!! She piched, squeezed, etc many boobies!! Yes, I do agree with her that the majority of women wear bras in the incorrect size. But do we need to see her clutch a naked-but-for-the-bra woman to her own ample chest??

Sunday, November 6


THE PHOBIA LIST. Ever wondered what the fear of bald people is? (It's peladophobia.) Well, here is the ultimate phobia listing for you.