The Gail Spot. Blogging It.

Wednesday, January 28

I'll have to plan my London trip to coincide with Vivienne!!

Victoria and Albert Museum - Visiting - Future Exhibitions

Tuesday, January 27

YAY! BGHD made it on flavor pill this week!!

Check it out:
flavorpill NYC

flavorpill LA

Monday, January 26

The cruise itinerary...can't wait!!!!

Sailing Itinerary

Thursday, January 22

This is suprisingly difficult!!

Penguin Bashing

These are HOT!! Thank god the subways still don't look like this...
But very fun to see NYC in the early 80's.


Wednesday, January 21

This is always good for a laugh...

Things My Girlfriend And I Have Argued About

I've probably refered it before. And probably wll again.

Tuesday, January 20 has been a bit chilly...

EO Newsroom: New Images - Bitter Winter in New England

For you "gay?" boyz out there...

The Metrosexual Quiz

So, Steven and I went to see "YSL: His Life and Times" on Sunday. While it was great to hear Mr. St-Laurent speak about his life and his work, as well as the other "characters" in his life, I found the film disappointing. There was no expliction of specific personnages and how they realated to his life--one has to already have a "yves" background to understand their impact on his life. And while the filmmakers showed archival footage of his shows, there was no specific discussion of his actual designs. For instance, I would have loved to hear how he incorporated the Mondrian styling into his work--What was the original idea? How did it come about? What impact did this series have on the other designs of the time?

The overall person was well documented--how Mr. St-Laurent actually feels about his art and how it has affected his life. This was the most satisfying aspect of the picture.

YSL: His Life and Times at Film Forum

Fondation - Yves Saint Laurent - Pierre Berg�

This exhibit looks great....
(click on: "1920's: the decade that changed London")

Museum of London

Monday, January 19

Looks fun! Who's going to go with me??

59th Minute Invitation

Sunday, January 18

Just came across this:

French Culture

The Francofile in me in creaming in my jeans

Wednesday, January 14

This is HOT!! My favorite TV show combined with art.

"Law & Order: An Adventure to Color"--Brandon Bird

Thanks Jason

Tuesday, January 13

Shane and I have recently been discussing the merits and drawbacks to the humidifier...could it be that there is a solution? Or does this just incite more questions?

mr misty humidifier by Smart Living Products

THE spot to find the answers:

The Museum of Hoaxes

Monday, January 12

I can't decide if this is a good idea...or just all wrong...

My Pet Fat

Friday, January 9

This is awesome!!
EO Study: Aurora Dancing in the Night

Monday, January 5

from one of my fave sites:
The Smoking Gun: Britney exposed!