The Gail Spot. Blogging It.

Thursday, November 17

"Wine Away" removes red wine stains

"Wine Away" removes red wine stains. If that is true, I should definitely buy stock!!

Wednesday, November 16

The Bra Revolution: Oprah's Bra Boutique

Did anyone else watch this Oprah episode? I swear, it was just an excuse for Oprah to molest women!! She piched, squeezed, etc many boobies!! Yes, I do agree with her that the majority of women wear bras in the incorrect size. But do we need to see her clutch a naked-but-for-the-bra woman to her own ample chest??

Sunday, November 6


THE PHOBIA LIST. Ever wondered what the fear of bald people is? (It's peladophobia.) Well, here is the ultimate phobia listing for you.

Thursday, November 3

In other Celebrity News...

See Robbie Williams play with himself on his site. Damn, he's got balls. Hmmm...maybe that isn't really the right word to use...

Vincent Gallo: Daddy?

I don't think so! But apparently he does. Pay $1m and you could get his sperm for insemination!! And for $500,000 more, he'll actually f*** you. Nice. I guess he needs money.

Wednesday, November 2

Rx for Survival: A Global Health Challenge | PBS

PBS is currently broadcasting a really interesting series: Rx for Survival: A Global Health Challenge. It goes into depth about the plight of children across the world, how health care can make their lives much better. I would highly advise giving it a view!

Tuesday, November 1


The MOSCOW CATS THEATRE looks hilarious!! I thought the Friskies cats did tricks. Man, was I wrong?!?