The Gail Spot. Blogging It.

Monday, August 29

Slave To Target (Not me this time...)

Slave To Target... And you all thought I was the Target-whore.

Wednesday, August 24


designster. the new friendster. cooler. artsy.

Sunday, August 21

What's YOUR Smurf Name?

Here's something smurfalicious: a Smurf Name Generator. I'm Q-Bert Smurf (fitting, since I had a mini Q-Bert game when I was 9 - and loved the Smurfs). And Mike is Junkie Smurf (again, fitting, but for reasons we won't discuss here...).

Thursday, August 18

Visiting Starbucks Everywhere

If you really have some time to kill, check out Starbucks Everywhere. This guy has decided to try to visit EVERY single location of Starbucks. I'm not sure if that's just in the States or internationally too. But totally wacky!

Cheap Gas Find it here!

Friday, August 12

Very Large Aquarium

The New York Times has an article entitled, A Pioneer of the Big Box Builds a Tank for Some Very Big Fish, and I must say, I am intrigued. The Georgia Aquarium is set to open in November in Atlanta. It is funded by one of the founders of The Home Depot. And it will have 5 million gallons of water!! Over 100,000 living creatures!! That's quite an accomplishment. According to the article there are also 2 Asian Whale Sharks. These have never been seen in America. Wow! This to me seems worth a trip to Atlanta!!

Thursday, August 11

Google Maps Satellite

Google Maps has now added satellite imagery to their mapping system. You'll see on the page at the top right. Click "Map" for a straight-up old fashioned map, "Satellite" for a, well, satellite-only image, and (this is the best) "Hybrid" for a combination of the two. This is really fun, unless your area hasn't been completely satellite-mapped, that is. It is truly amazing how close in the camera can get from a satellite. A bit scary, come to think of it!!

Tuesday, August 9

Tori Bootlegs

Tori Amos has opened an online boutique featuring something every Tori fan has been waiting for--official bootlegs! Yay! Seeing Tori live is a great thing, so it's exciting that she finally is cashing in on what we all love.

Monday, August 8


Gizoogle - Fo all you beotches who wanna find shiznit....that's it to a tee. This site will translate texts you enter into, hmmm, ebonics. Or, Snoop-Dog speak maybe. At any rate, it's pretty damned funny. Here's their version of Amazon.
And even better, their translation of The Gail Spot blog.

Thursday, August 4


Rubber Johnny. This is just farking weird. Yet I can't stop watching it.

Wednesday, August 3

PRESS: Tampa Say

Hey all! My blog, Tampa Say, has been linked on the St Pete Times website. Cool, huh?!?! I am a bit shocked, to be honest, since I wasn't sure anyone ever even looked at it!!

For any deal-seeking, sample lovers out there like me, go to Sample Lovers Unite!, my blog referencing just those things.

Be sure to support by going to the links on the right on the Sample Lovers blog. For instance, if you want to buy something on Amazon, go there first and then click on the link.

I'm working on revamping The Gail Spot, so this will be much easier in the future. Thanks everyone!!